Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Your legacy is yours to make. Go forth.

I always think - today I will work hard and not waste time, today I will be outgoing and talk to new people, today I will be friendly and helpful, today I will listen more, today I will be my ideal human being - but this is all when I'm on my own, in the shower or in my room or walking.
As soon as I enter a more social environment, uncertainty anxiety carelessness pretence creep in and *poof!* the productive and positive thoughts are pushed away, to the back of my mind. Instead of being replaced by thoughts about my work and study, these are replaced by demoralizing and useless thoughts of being unaccepted, of self-deprecation and wondering if I am capable of being loved. Do you realize what's happening here? I understand that they're a waste of time and a source of unnecessary stress, but I'm alone right now. So I realize, and the same process is going on. The trick is to not let the 'unstoppable' sort of feeling slip away.
One act commonly practised by me is asking myself at various times during the day, 'Is this the best use of my time right now?', and it sets me back on track to some extent, but not to a satisfactory one.
So why does this happen? Am I an introvert? Do I function best in the absence of other people? Maybe. But I say fuck labels. Who do you think you are, labelling yourself as 'shy' or 'an introvert' or 'not very good at communicating' or 'probably not capable'? Ask yourself - have I REALLY tried? Or have I given up before I had a chance to? Am I lying to myself?
The only solution is to love and accept yourself. I know it's cliché to say 'I know that sounds cliché...' but consider digesting this - people are judging you far less than you think they are judging you. Because ain't nobody got time for that! Just go through life moment to moment, live each moment such that you end up satisfied and not with a bundle of regrets at the end of the day.
"Each moment of our lives will never come again. That doesn’t mean I have to accomplish something amazing or be working hard or having grand adventures every single second: but it does mean I have to take ownership and be accountable for my time, because in the end that’s all that’s truly mine." []
Need to keep the fire burning! Work relentlessly, because time doesn't care how you feel right now. Nope. It is just flowing away, out of reach, accelerating at maddening rates, it is the only validator. Only time's verdict prevails. Only time's account of achievements and pitfalls remains.
SO. Be you. The world will adjust. Remember that you don't have to conform to - or appear to conform to - stereotypes, cause nobody truly knows what the fuck they're doing. Just, borrow achievers' attitudes, nothing else. All you need is all you've got. Your wits and the clothes on your back.
If nothing else, fake it till you make it. :)